Solar Panels in Moorefield
Eastern Panhandle Electrical & Plumbing LLC is proud to be at the forefront of homes and businesses all over the greater Moorefield area making the switch to solar energy. Everyone has their own set of reasons for making the switch. Some clients are interested in reducing or eliminating their utility bills, some want protection against rising energy costs, some are looking to increase their property’s value while some simply feel a responsibility to move forward with ways of powering their lives that don’t hurt the environment and our planet.
Whatever your reason for making the switch to solar energy, the key to realizing your new solar panels’ potential begins with a proper installation conducted by Eastern Panhandle Electrical & Plumbing LLC’s licensed and insured electricians. We were quick to accept that solar energy would someday become the norm, and now that it is rising in popularity, our team is able to offer high-quality solar panel installation services as well as any maintenance and repairs that you might need in the future.
Making the switch to solar power will be one of the best decisions you ever make, provided that Eastern Panhandle Electrical & Plumbing LLC is who you choose to install the solar panels and set up the system. For a free estimate on our solar panel services, get in touch with us today.
Are Solar Panels Right for You?
A lot of home and business owners interested in investing in solar panels often call Eastern Panhandle Electrical & Plumbing LLC with the objective of finding out whether or not solar panels are right for their property. It’s no secret that, depending of the size of system you hope to install, solar panels can be a big initial investment. Of course, you are guaranteed to make the money back in future energy savings and by how much value is added to your residential or commercial property. Still, home and business owners don’t want to make the initial investment unless they are sure they will benefit, which is totally fair.
Their biggest concern, typically, is that they feel that their home or business doesn’t receive enough sunlight to make it worth their while. If this is something you have been wrestling with, you might be happy to learn that solar panels produce electricity from the photons present in natural daylight, rather than from the sunlight itself. This means that solar panels don’t actually need to be installed in direct sunlight to work.
Modern solar panels include all kinds of concentrators which use lenses and mirrors to maximize any light reaching their PV cells. So, whether your property is affected by a lot of shade or we run into a bad stretch of cloudy weather, you won’t have to worry about being left high and dry without power.
Yes, proper placement of the solar panels is still essential to making it a viable producer of electricity, but with the skilled team of solar panel experts on staff at Eastern Panhandle Electrical & Plumbing LLC, it should be no problem for us to find the best place to maximize its potential.
Contact Us Today
For anything related to solar panels and solar energy in the Moorefield area, get in touch with Eastern Panhandle Electrical & Plumbing LLC today.